Nikola Brabcová is a visual artist whose work involves layering images and creating installations in which the relationships between subjects are more important than the individual artefacts. The motifs are mostly shapes based on nature which disintegrate into abstract forms and new situations. She is a core part of the collective Artyč, for which she creates video interviews with artists and curators. The latest project, ‘Erosion’, which is part of the online exhibition Regeneration, deals with soil as a living entity, its current state and ecological restoration. 





2006-12 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU) – MFA, Painting studio II. of doc. Vladimír Skrepl

2010-11 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (VŠUP), Studio of Photography

2010 Middlesex University, London (GB)

2003-07 Art and Design School in Prague (SUPŠ)



Singing as Numerous as Space Measureless /OG Liberec / group exhibition

Recordings of the Surface / Gallery 35M2 / with Karin Šrubařová


Hay, Straw, Dump / Václav Špála Gallery, Prague

Biotop Loučná / Plan B, Litomyšl

Garden_Networks / FESTIVAL DER REGIONEN, Austria, group exhibition


Zlín Youth Salon 2021: The Earth Beneath Our Feet, Krajská galerie výtvarného umění ve Zlíně / group exhibition

Planted in the Body, Galerie MeetFactory, Prague / group exhibition


The roots grow inwards, Entrance Gallery, Prague / group exhibition

Půda, hlína, zem / etc. Gallery, Prague

LivingLab / AMRO20, Linz, Austria, with Michal Klodner


SAIKEI – Poslední harmonie, Měsíc ve dne, České Budějovice / Kateřina Dobroslava Drahošová, Nikola Brabcová, Tomáš Hrůza

Waterlily Tea, Jelení Gallery, Center for Contemporary Arts Prague


Boží dílo, Galerie TIC, Brno / group exhibition

Oblek, kterému nic nevadilo, Pragovka Gallery, Prague / s Janou Vojnárovou


Můj pes, půlka mojí duše, Berlínskej model, Prague

Mezera, Galerie Vzájemnost, Prague


Ruce plné fazolových květů, OGV Jihlava / group exhibition

Urban Pangea People, Karlin Studios / group exhibition

One of the possibilities, National Technical Library Gallery /group exhibition


Immobility Sits in the Bones, Galerie K.ART.ON, Karlin studios, Prague


A Day is Rising and Shining blue, Budoart Gallery, Prague / with Jana Vojnárová

Diplomanti AVU 2012, National Gallery in Prague/ group exhibition

Contemporary Czech Painting, National Technical Library Gallery/ group exhibition

Pseudosience, National Technical Library Gallery, Prague/ group exhibition

Reindeer People, Vyšehrad Gallery, Prague / with Marie Ladrová

Behind the spines of the books I have not read, The Museum of Czech Literature/ group exhibition


Kommt Alle, Austrian Cultural Center in Prague / group exhibition


2022 / GAMPA Intermezzo

2020 – 2022 / Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic

2015 Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Český Krumlov
